The wok slams while the charcoal below spits fire in all directions. The juices from the charred meat begin to cry into the fire beneath. The rhythm of the mortar and pestle “poks” to the beat of the pop music playing from the bar. The silky noodles, topped with warming chiles, await a boiling bath of broth. The crunchy condiments, a squeeze of lime. A motor bike beeps and sputters by. A smile and a polite “Kha”.

Yung Mai Dai Kin?
You haven’t?
Walk down almost any street in all of Thailand and you will see a “rodkhen,” or street vendor cart, selling all types of sweet and savory Thai offerings. Our cart, lovingly named “The S.S. Willow,” was custom built in Bangkok and shipped by boat to New Jersey. Down in the engine room, a propane burner powers a three-chambered pot built to churn out noodles in a flash.
While having a deep passion for Thai cuisine, we are still so very proud to be from Sussex County, New Jersey. This area is known for growing some of the finest produce in the country. We are extremely lucky to have access to the bounty of our local agriculture.
or ซี๊ดซ๊าด in Thai, is the feeling when your tastebuds are awakened by the balance of spicy and sour, a flavor profile that is unmistakably Thai. A flavor that will make you sweat, make you smile, make your eyes tear, and make your mind drift. A flavor that will make you scream: “ZEEDZAAAAAAAD!”

Noodle Guy/Owner
Michael fell deeply in love with Thai Cuisine when he began prepping food for a local Thai restaurant Cravin Thai. This is where he met his new “older sister” Pee Pam, a Bangkok native who was happy to share her knowledge of Thai culture with Michael. This was where his taste buds became alive, his mind became curious, and his heart and tummy became full. His passion for the culture sent him on multiple journeys to Thailand where he began eating his way through each region. Inspired by every bite, his dream was to bring the taste and experience back home with him. Now his dream has become a reality, and that reality has just begun.